First Half Report Card

Wah I wanted to do a quick sanity check on my resolutions. Then I realized, I only have it on Dayre and not here. So here goes:

New year, new resolutions:

Get back to pre-pregnancy weight & to try & exercise (does carrying & rocking Lil E counts?)

UPDATE: Nope, Lil E is coming to 8 months now and I still have another 3kg to lose. #Fail

Learn to balance family + career & to excel in both (I'm serious)

UPDATE: Considering the fact that I have been ular-ing like nobody's business, the scale is lopsided now. Gotto catch up on increasing productivity at work!!! #Fail

Spend wisely & save more (quick fix to this is to just delete apps fr Amazon, Groupon, MyDeal, Reebonz etc fr my phone NOW lor hahaha!)

UPDATE: Ever since Lil E was born, I have been spending, spending and spending. My online shopping addiction has reached a brand new level of silliness too considering the fact that on crazy days, I have parcels waiting for me every single day until the postman knows my name! #Fail

THINK POSITIVELY AT ALL TIMES (if you think you can, you can!); ermmm isn't this fr d cooking show "Yan Can Cook"? Oops, now you know my age?

UPDATE: Because I have been ular-ing so much, I felt unproductive and bored at work. Must say that I am feeling down and low. #Fail

Wow, out of 4 resolutions, I #FAIL at each and every one of it!!! O_o Time to get my ass to work on the resolutions. Another 6 more months to go before the year ends!!! Gambatehhhhhhhhh!!!

#Resolutions #2014

Fit & Hot

Once upon a time I was quite fit and hot too. And then I got comfortable and complacent. Subsequently I got pregnant. Now a mommy to a 5 months old Lil E, I am anything but fit and hot. :(

So depressing actually. Coupled with the fact that I now work in a casual environment, my work clothes are like crap too! OMG! Time to really lose those stubborn couple of KGs to get back to prepregnancy weight!!! I wanna be FIT & HOT AGAIN!!! 

Babies Orientation

Baby Han got back from the hospital today. When I got home, mommy said Lil E was pretty amused with Baby Han. He was also ultra excited and yet somehow he knows how to tone down his own market fella voice when the baby is around. And when the baby cries, he listens intently as if wondering who else at home is crying like him. Hehehe... my Lil E is now a kor-kor and somewhat knows how to behave like one?! #HappyMommy