Socially Handicap

I feel so useless and dumb. There's a 'Buka Puasa' do at work organized by our COO. He did an opening speech with a quick review of 1H performance followed by his expectations on what the team should improve on as a whole. Thought it was a really good speech that is totally relevant with this exciting times we're in.

Thereafter, it was food time. The time I dreaded most cos' everyone will then be gathered in their own circles leaving newbies / outsiders like me feeling totally out of place. I left without eating. Felt like a total loser!

Worst still got an email from my staff saying that we'd need more time to brainstorm tomorrow cos' she has spoken to COO and has gotten a clearer view on what's required. Why la why am I so dumb? I should've taken the opportunity to talk to our COO. But no, I chose the coward way of running away! Sigh!


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