Screws & Springs

It was supposed to be a quick visit to the dentist today to get one of my loose brackets fixed. But the quick visit turned into a 40 minutes long session cos the dentist; Dr. How decided that I needed another round of MAJOR works!

Dr. How said my front teeth was still very protruding and the gaps from previous extractions are quickly closing in. That means that even if it the gaps are completely closed, my teeth will still be protruding. Thus the solutions were simple (according to Dr. How):

>> Tooth Implants
He inserted a screw on each side of my gum - just above the gap. These screws provide a pillar of support to the front teeth to move backwards and to restrict the back teeth from moving forward. The screws cost RM500 each but I was given a discount of RM150 each. Tho the discount was substantial, I still had to fork out RM700 for both screws! Rather expensive for 2 tiny screwsss!

Anyway, similar to previous extractions process, I had 2 injections! Both were at the positions where the screws should be (left and right). The jabs stung a little but the rest of the works were pain-free. I felt nothing when he screwed the screws into my gum.

>> Springs
After that, he added springs onto the screws and connected them to my teeth / brackets (just after the gaps) so that the teeth can be puuuuulled back with force. This coupled with the rubber bands that I diligently change everyday will help facilitate faster movement.

>> Crisscrossed Wires
If that's not enough, Dr. How also added several lines of wires crisscrossing by teeth... again all back to the pillars of support... the tiny screws...

When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I felt like an alien... :( But all in all, the works were not too unbearable cos' I've previously gone thru 4 extractions and a laser (frenectomy). If you ask me... the scariest of all has got to be extractions!!! I'm terrified of having my tooth extracted cos on both occasions, I bled non stop. So imagine my disappointment when Dr. How suggested that I should remove both my wisdom tooth in my next visit... For the sake of a beautiful smile, I will have to forgo 6 otherwise good tooth!

Since it's too late to back off now, I told myself that I am game for whatever that Dr. How suggests so long as the results are obtained before my wedding date. I have half mindedly accepted the fact that I may not be able to have any photography session prior to my wedding but am still keeping my fingers crossed... who knows?

With that, I am now RM700 bucks poorer and oh... in severe pain too cos the anaesthetic's over! Guess I will have to be on liquid food once again... for gawd knows how long :((

16-03-2008: $1,100 [Deposit, X-Rays, Photos & Moulding]
30-03-2008: $ 870 [Deposit & Upper Braces Fitting]
20-04-2008: $ 423 [Extraction & Medication]
18-05-2008: $ 325 [Wire Change]
17-08-2008: $ 325 [Bottom Braces Fitting]
14-09-2008: $ 764 [Extraction, Frenectomy & Medication]
25-10-2008: $ 385 [Wire Change & Scaling]
23-11-2008: $ 385 [Wire Change & Rubber Loops Change & Scaling]
24-12-2008: $ 325 [Wire Change & Rubber Loops Change]
24-01-2009: $ 325 [Wire Change & Rubber Loops Change]
21-02-2009: $ 325 [Wire Change & Rubber Loops Change]
28-02-2009: $ 714 [Loose Bracket, 2 Screws, 4 Springs and 4 Crisscrossed Wires]

YTD Spent: $6,266.00


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