Braces Removal

Went back for my braces review today and the dentist did minor adjustments to the springs and the crisscrossed wires he recently added. This time round OWLoon went with me and he asked the dentist when the braces can come off...

We were given 2 new options:

Option 1: Ideal
Rubber bands for the bottom jaw only so that the back teeth do not move forward... Use the current screws and springs to create light force to the front teeth to move inward. Since this option takes time, I will not be able to complete my treatment before my wedding date end November.

Option 2: Not Recommended but Faster
Rubber bands for both the top and bottom jaw. Movement will be both ways... front teeth moving inward and back teeth moving outward. End result will be closed gaps (from the previous extractions) but it will not be moved to the desired position i.e. will still look a bit protruding.

Both options sounded about the same so we asked again if we could remove the braces temporarily for our pre-wedding photography... Previously when we asked, he said he will remove all the wires but leave the brackets on... but ever since he found out about our registration i.e. we are serious about getting married and is already technically married... he understood our urgency better...

So he said... he will try to rush as much as possible but it is highly unlikely that it can be completed before the wedding date nor for the photography... but what he can do is to remove them temporarily... this time round he said he can even remove the brackets!!! PHEW!!! So I may be able to have my pre-wedding photography afterall!!! YAY!!!

16-03-2008: $1,100 [Deposit, X-Rays, Photos & Moulding]
30-03-2008: $ 870 [Deposit & Upper Braces Fitting]
20-04-2008: $ 423 [Extraction & Medication]
18-05-2008: $ 325 [Wire Change]
17-08-2008: $ 325 [Bottom Braces Fitting]
14-09-2008: $ 764 [Extraction, Frenectomy & Medication]
25-10-2008: $ 385 [Wire Change & Scaling]
23-11-2008: $ 385 [Wire Change & Rubber Loops Change & Scaling]
24-12-2008: $ 325 [Wire Change & Rubber Loops Change]
24-01-2009: $ 325 [Wire Change & Rubber Loops Change]
21-02-2009: $ 325 [Wire Change & Rubber Loops Change]
28-02-2009: $ 714 [Loose Bracket, 2 Screws, 4 Springs and 4 Crisscrossed Wires]
21-03-2009: $ 325 [Springs & Crisscrossed Wires Adjustment]

YTD Spent: $6,591.00


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