Being Married Part II

So back to the question: "How's married life?"
I have quite a number of answers running in my head... but then I figured no one will have the patience to hear me talk about it in great length... hence, I shall blog about it here... Married life is COOL for I gained a lot a lot a lot... and here's the list of my TOP 10 GAINS after marriage:

Number ONE
A piece of paper that ended my singlehood...

Number TWO
A collection of albums that will forever have a space in the dark corner of my chest drawers... all the way back in Kuala Selangor...

Number THREE
A whole load of 'ang ang' props that I don't know what to do with... red Chinese paper cut tea set with matching bowls, plates, spoons and chopsticks... baby bath basin, mug, cup... a basket with a rooster and hen... etc etc...

Number FOUR
A beautiful solitaire engagement diamond ring and a diamond studded wedding band along with a handsome amount worth of gold jewelery...

Number FIVE
A free weekend home in Kuala Selangor. The place is owned by OWLoon but what's his is mine and what's mine is mine... kekeke...

Number SIX
An "R" to my title... MRS... no longer MS...

Number SEVEN
A gown that will forever occupy a forgotten corner in my wardrobe...

Number EIGHT
An ATM that runs 24 x 7... I wish it's like the photo below... muahahaha...

Number NINE
A bed mate that keeps the bed warm... I reckon 2 warm bodies emit more heat than 1... hehehe...

Number TEN
And most importantly, a sweet closure to our 12 years of courtship... and hopefully a wonderful beginning to the many many many years ahead with my first love... my soulmate... my companion... my husband... the one and only that I proclaim as mine!

Being Married Part I

We spent an entire month together, living in our weekend home in Kuala Selangor where it was just the 2 of us... When I went back to work... the no.1 question that I was asked was of course: "How's married life?"

To me... married life is different... and kinda funny...

Bedroom Horror

We both have not had the experience of staying together over a long period of time prior to us getting married. At most, 10 days when we go on trips or holidays... So the first thing that we needed to adjust ourselves to... was our sleeping positions, patterns and habits...

OWLoon said he was terrified of falling off the bed cos' I have a habit of sleeping in the middle of the bed... and hogging all the blanket too... But I too was terrified... of him punching me in my nose or kicking me in my ass whenever he stretches his arms or flexes his legs in his semi-conscious state!

Open Sex "Discussions"

If there's one thing that embarasses the hell out of us would be family members and "concerned" relatives openly asking us to f*ck more to make babies... or f*ck without protections and leave it to fate... Each time they mention it... we just smile and keep quiet cos' honestly... what sort of answers do they expect from us? If we say we're trying... then wouldn't that leave them with a visual image of us fornicating? If we say, we want to wait first... they'll go into their M16-mode lecture on the 1,001 reasons as to why we should f*ck NOW and f*ck furious (without protections).

So ya... being married is definitely awkward... considering that our sex life is publicly discussed wherever (at home, at restaurants etc) and whenever (over a cup of tea, over dinner, while watching TV etc)... No warning... just BOOM!!! "Are you guys busy making babies?"

Being Domesticated

Since we have the whole house to ourselves... we had to sweep, vacuum, mop, disinfect and practically do whatever it takes to keep our home clean... EVERY OTHER DAY!!! But us being LAZY adults... we never had to do any of those chores at home... so needless to say... it was pretty damn hard...

Like how I spent ages sweeping only to discover that Mr. Vacuum does the job faster and more efficiently... Or how OWLoon spent hours handling pleat curtains before stumbling on the secret formula to the spacing required between hooks...

It was tiring... and back breaking... but we made it a point to compliment each other's efforts... and that alone... made it all worthwhile and satisfying...

To be continued...


Just the other day, I received an unsolicited mail from a real estate agent who claimed to specialize in the area where my place is located... and that he knows I'm one of the owners with a unit there... Hence, along with the mail, was his name card... which I should apparently keep so that I can call him whenever I feel like selling my place... It all sounded pretty professional until I read his card... his name is King Kong O_o...

So anyway... the following day... I got an unsolicited call 'pulak'... and this time round, it was a lady... from another realty... Same thing... knows that I'm an owner of KA... and that she has a serious buyer who is willing to pay RM250k for the place! If I'm ok to sell, she could immediately draft out the contracts!

To be honest, I could hardly believe what I was hearing... cos at RM250k... it's a whopping 30% increase from the price I paid and best of all, the development is only at best 80% completed...

So anyway, I politely declined by saying that I'd think about it... and went online to google the prices of KA... Surprise, surprise... the market rate is indeed RM250k!!! So that means... it has indeed increased by over 30%!!!

So the big question is of course... do I sell it now and use the so-called return of my investment as downpayment for a bigger place? Btw, current unit's a service residence at 935sqf only... Or should we wait a few more years when OWLoon and I have our own little family unit before settling down in a bigger nest? Hmmm...