Just the other day, I received an unsolicited mail from a real estate agent who claimed to specialize in the area where my place is located... and that he knows I'm one of the owners with a unit there... Hence, along with the mail, was his name card... which I should apparently keep so that I can call him whenever I feel like selling my place... It all sounded pretty professional until I read his card... his name is King Kong O_o...

So anyway... the following day... I got an unsolicited call 'pulak'... and this time round, it was a lady... from another realty... Same thing... knows that I'm an owner of KA... and that she has a serious buyer who is willing to pay RM250k for the place! If I'm ok to sell, she could immediately draft out the contracts!

To be honest, I could hardly believe what I was hearing... cos at RM250k... it's a whopping 30% increase from the price I paid and best of all, the development is only at best 80% completed...

So anyway, I politely declined by saying that I'd think about it... and went online to google the prices of KA... Surprise, surprise... the market rate is indeed RM250k!!! So that means... it has indeed increased by over 30%!!!

So the big question is of course... do I sell it now and use the so-called return of my investment as downpayment for a bigger place? Btw, current unit's a service residence at 935sqf only... Or should we wait a few more years when OWLoon and I have our own little family unit before settling down in a bigger nest? Hmmm...


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