Lonely Planet?

I will be travelling from 17th (midnight) to 25th (evening). Thus, I've setup another blog where I could post photos from my mobile during that period (if I could): http://vltravel.blogspot.com/

  • Where am I going?

Well my company is sending me to London to attend a conference.

  • What will I be doing there?

The conference will only occupy 3 days of my time there but since the flight is super expensive (company paid RM6K for it), thought I ought to maximize the trip and hence the extension to wander on my own.

  • Who am I travelling with?

Well, surprise surprise... I'll be travelling alone!

  • Why am I travelling alone?

Initially, there were 2 of us, but unfortunately, the other person from our agency was asked to cancel her trip on Friday evening... thus I am left to travel on my own.

  • How am I gonna travel alone?

So far, the plan is to sign up for local tours for sightseeing and to meet up my secondary school mate on Sunday. Given that the country is pretty advance, I figured if I return to the hotel before night sets in, I should be ok.

  • Am I excited?

Of course I am... Initially I was super duper scared at the idea of travelling alone in a foreign country. But since there's nothing I could do to change the situation, I might as well embrace it with open arms. Now, I try to con myself into thinking that this will be a once in a lifetime sort of adventure and that I should be brave!!!

So... wish me luck! And do remember to check out: http://vltravel.blogspot.com/


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