Cina & Chopsticks

It was our colleague's belated 38th birthday so a few of us thought we should give him a surprise lunch. All was OK and we even sent him a scheduler as normal lunch (I know it sounds weird to send a scheduler for lunch but it's a norm as the reminder will pop up reminding everyone 15 minutes beforehand).

The lunch was supposed to start at 12.30pm but at 12.40pm, everyone was either still busy working or stuck in meetings. Thus, when our birthday boy left the office at 12.45pm, everyone panicked, dropped everything and rushed to S.p.r.i.n.g. G.a.r.d.e.n. When one of us called him, he said he has prior appointment with his friend... so we thought his friend must be party B. But when party B called, he said the same thing and party B thought his friend was party A.

But surprise surprise, when everyone got together, we realized that his friend was neither one of us... and for a minute, we all sat there wondering if we should just pay for the Chinese tea and peanuts... LOL... In the end, we found out that our dear friend accepted the scheduler thinking that lunch is on Monday. But since we bought him a cake, we rushed him to finish his lunch so that he can join us for the session. And in the meantime, we treated ourselves with dim sum... :)

When he finally joined us, we had finished eating and thus we brought out the cake and sang him a happy birthday song... see... he was so happy... :)

When it was cake time... everyone started eating... there was a total of 8 of us... 2 Malays and 6 Chinese and the funny thing was...

The 2 Malay girls started eating the cake with their hands:

And us, the Chinese conveniently ate using our chopsticks...

Malay Girl: Hey... how can you guys eat your cakes with chopsticks?
Me: Why cannot? We're Cina. Cina can use chopsticks for anything and everything what! Hehehehe...


March 14, 2009 at 12:38 AM hyperX said...

As long as the item is not in ball shape, I can pick it up with chopstick too. :)

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