Photos Selection

OWLoon and I finally went for our photos selection at Bridal Concept yesterday. Prior to that, he was adamant that we should stick to the package we signed up for... 30 shots for the big album and 20 shots for the smaller album... When he told me that, he was probably expecting me to say otherwise but surprise, surprise... I actually agreed with him. Cos I've seen so many photo albums of friends and families gathering dusk under the bed, locked away in drawers or hidden nicely in the wardrobe / storeroom after the wedding... So ya... we went in with the mentality that less is MORE...

However...when we first saw our photos... we were both so happy!!! OWLoon looked so handsome... and I looked so PRETTY and together we looked so IN LURVE!!! Hahaha... so anyway...
  • Our selection process began with over 300 photos...
  • After the 1st round of QC (deleting photos that we both looked so so only), we were down to 200 photos... (another 150 shots to delete)
  • After the 2nd round of further scrutiny (deleting photos where only 1 of us looked good), we were down to 100 photos... It was quite tough to delete at this point particularly when one of us showed the perfect expression, smile, pose etc but other half looking so so only)...
  • The final editing was done with a photographer where she helped arranged the photos based on how they'll look on a page... and we were told to choose one or the other... (this was done 3 hours later... so we were quite eager to get on with it)...
After close to 4 hours of selection... the final pool had 73 photos... and we couldn't bring ourselves to delete anymore... When OWLoon asked me... "So how...?"... I happily said "Up to you la... want to delete then we delete somemore la..." cos no way am I gonna be the one to say "ADD!" when I know for a fact that he'll nag me till my ears bleed later on... if the decision's from me...

In the end... the verdict from him was to ADD!!! When he said that... I pretended like I was OK but deep down, I was jumping up and down in joy and silently thankful that he looked GOOD too! Kekekeke... and so we started our negotiation for the extra photos (19 for the big album and 4 for the smaller album)...
  • The starting price was RM95 per piece... so that means, an additional of RM2,185... on top of what we have signed up for...
  • Then like everything else... there's a discount... and the additional sum was brought down to RM1,600 (a reduction of RM585!)
  • From 1,600... OWLoon negotiated HARDER and the final final sum was RM1,388 (reduction of RM797 from the original price)... and the deal was SIGNED... :-)
  • The entire package now costs over RM6,000 but ahem... all was good!
The photographer also was kind enough to touch up 2 of our chosen photos for us given that we need to print our invitation cards soon... hence the 2 photos here.

But come to think of it, we should've selected the not so conventional poses for our inviation cards... the ones where we were on a bike for instance... aiyayayayayaya... Next appointment will be 2 weeks from now to view the designs of the bigger album... and the touched up photos... :-)


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