Amazing how time flies. I just received a letter that I sent to myself a year ago via the community service offered by Zewt. In it, was my hopes and expectations on myself which essentially formed my resolutions for 2011.
For some strange reasons, I remembered the existence of the letter but somehow I couldn't quite recall the specifics of the letter. So here's a quick report card on my resolutions:
Save 20% of nett salary.
[YAY!] As a matter of fact, I saved an average of 40% of my nett salary.
Stop spending frivolously and cut down on impulse shopping.
[NAY!] I've been spending like crazy the first half of the year. But halfway through I repented and started saving like mad! What did I spend on? Ermmm... I'll talk about it in my next post *guilty*
New career after 11 years in the same company.
[YAY!] 8 months ago, I made a career move to join a different industry altogether. From telco to broadcasting! When asked why by my bosses, the answer was simple. 1st job. Curiosity of what's beyond the walls. Eager to explore. Was it a right move? It was surely a calculated one to leave on a high note after winning the Best Accelerator Award in 2010 and onto greater package but as to whether it was a right one, only time will tell.
Shower my parents with EVEN more love!
[YAY!] Not only have I been good in my monthly commitments to my family. Hb and I even took them on an all expense paid trip to HCMC, Vietnam! Plan to do so again this year! :)
Stop smoking.
[NAY!] I'm stupid, full stop.
Start family expansion.
[WIP] Can't say if it's a yay or nay yet cos I'm busy taking vitamins and liquid goodies (Yomeishu, bleh). So ermmm... WIP la.
Be a happy person with inner peace.
[NAY!] I am still perpetually stressed out with a million and one things at work since I'm new and all. Happy? Nope. More like anxious. Inner peace? Nope. More like psycho-analyzing every single thing at work.
Report card:
Out of 7 resolutions...
- 3 YAYS (well done!)
- 3 NAYS (carry forward to 2012)
- 1 WIP (carry forward to 2012)
That meant an achievement rate of 50%! Enough to pass... Could've been better but am glad I made the efforts to be a better person on all aspects of my life. Balance 50% shall form parts of my resolutions for 2012! YAY!!! Next up, 2012 resolutions!
On that token, Mrs. ON9LA1 would like to wish everyone a very happy new year!!! Have a great year ahead!!! Cheers! :D
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Last Work Day
Been ages since I last worked till the end of the year. As a matter of fact, don't think I ever did!!! On good years, I'd take 2 weeks off leading to New Year. On special occasion i.e. the year I got married, I took the entire MONTH off!!! On normal years, at the very least also I'll take several days!!!
So ya. Dunno what to make of this cos I am kinda tired and burnt out but there are really lots to be done. Besides, my entire team is 2 weeks old and I'm leaving them for a week in Jan to celebrate my wedding anniversary with Hb in Beijing!
So it's ok la!!! Tomorrow's already the LAST working day in 2011!!! Yippieeeeeee!!!
So ya. Dunno what to make of this cos I am kinda tired and burnt out but there are really lots to be done. Besides, my entire team is 2 weeks old and I'm leaving them for a week in Jan to celebrate my wedding anniversary with Hb in Beijing!
So it's ok la!!! Tomorrow's already the LAST working day in 2011!!! Yippieeeeeee!!!
Wanted to get a pet rabbit, specifically a Hollandlop breed. But Hb said no, it will die of hunger since I am only back during weekends. So sad. :(
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Here's a photo of Hb in his new Superman-inspired glasses... hahahaha... When he asked me if it looked nice, I had to say... "Superman... my HERO"... kekekeke...
On a separate note, am so glad I went for Lasik yonks ago. No need to change glasses or wear contact lense... so naissssssss... :P
Yesterday, after dinner at MIL's place, we borrowed our neighbour's bicycle and cycled around the compound of MIL's house. Surprisingly, I still know how to cycle!!! Hoooohoooo...
Then the same night, a colleague posted a photo of her A-Bike on Facebook!!!
Looks damn good!!! So tempted to get one or two!!! Then Hb and I could go cycling around the neighborhood!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!!! Can't believe the year is coming to a close di. This year seemed to pass by so quickly!!! But then it also means that we're closer to our Beijing trip in January for our yearly anniversary celebration!!!
Hb and I visited Aeon Bulit Tinggi in Klang with the intention of getting new winter jackets. Thing is, we've been wearing the same jackets for several winter trips now; Beijing, Shanghai, South Korea that somehow the photos all look the same! So we figured it's high time to invest in new ones.
Hb was quick is identifying what he likes! A white one with 90% down and 10% feather! I on the other hand am torn between a short one (waist length) or a medium one (butt length) to replace my current long one (knee length)...
Hb said the medium length one looked nicer. But instead of pink, maybe get the champagne colored one. But hmmm, the cutting ain't too flattering. Since it's not exactly cheap ~RM650, thought of sleeping on it first before buying.
On the way we also stopped by Machines for Hb to get a new casing and screen protector for his iPhone. While waiting for the screen protector to be stuck on, we played around with the photo booth on one of the Macs and laughed our heads off!!! We looked like Chipmunks don't you think? Hehehe...
For dinner, we went to Sakae Sushi. As usual I had my favorite Unagi while Hb ordered soft shell crab set. We even had Sake, a small 250ml bottle which tasted yummy and all but gave me a headache thereafter!
So that was how we spent our Christmas la. Merry Christmasss!!! :D
Friday, December 16, 2011
New Toy
Oh think I finally found a more reliable app for blogging from mobile... to be precise my brand new iPhone 4S!!! When it was first announced by Tim Cooks, I was still deciding whether or not I should get. But then the news of Steve Jobs passing came and I thought yala, I definitely should get it as a tribute "for Steve" i.e. 4S... geddit? Hehe... Afterall I owned each and everyone of the iPhone launched, from the metal casing unit of parallel import to 3 to 3GS to 4. So owning a 4S seemed logical! :D
I was lucky to attend the iPhone 4S launch at KL Convention Centre as a VIP and as usual I went with my partner in crime; Sham! That night, we were both glammed up. Her cos for once she didn't have to work as the EO for the launch and me, cos this is my first appearance ever since I left 6 months ago. Since we both like to dress up, we did our hair n carefully selected our outfits haha. Judging from the compliments, think we looked ok la. Hahaha...
The thing with VIP is that we are entitled to enter a special ballroom with live performances, free flow of booze and food. But then being a typical customer who are eager to get an iPhone first before anything else, we chose to crowd in the small area adjoining the VIP ballroom.
This phone collection area is packed with counters specifically erected to serve VIP, corporate customers and members of the media. The area is much smaller than the one for general public thus it was quite crammed. Afterall, VIPs are supposed to enjoy the live performances while waiting for their turn instead of jamming the collection area. But what to do... "kiasu" hehe...
After we got our phones, we visited the ballroom for general public cos' that was where accessories were sold. Spent over 300 bucks on casings but all's good... hahaha... Photo below was captured before doors open to public... check out the many counters available! :)
Nevertheless am happy I managed to get hold of my iPhone 4S that night. Hehe... I love Apple! :)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Gong Xi Gong Xi
Beautifully executed.
Nationwide. Young and old. Newbies and oldies.
Simply brilliant!
For some strange reasons, it brought tears to my eyes seeing so many Chinese coming together... :)
Nationwide. Young and old. Newbies and oldies.
Simply brilliant!
For some strange reasons, it brought tears to my eyes seeing so many Chinese coming together... :)
What's Next?
A friend posted this on FB today. Can't help but ponder upon my own answers:
Just thought I'd share something for people struggling with work for one reason or another. I was at this stage some time ago. Unsure what to do, I asked myself a few of these questions:
Am I turning into someone else? Do I like the transformation that I am seeing?
With me joining this new environment, I feel like I have the ability to start all over again without baggage. Plus the working culture here is all about collaborations and ensuring all round happiness. If one is unhappy, the project goes no where. Do I like the transformation, yeah sure why not. Supposed it help me be a more balanced individual. Not just a godzilla when it comes to timelines and championing projects but with good people skills as well.
I see my bosses traveling non-stop with super hectic schedules. Is this the type of lifestyle I want? The answer is a clear NO. I want to be able to spend more time with my family and loved ones. Don't think I want to lead a life of high corporate stress perpetually. Do I want to be like them? Nola. Don't think I want to.
More despair. Felt like I've not been performing. Been running in circles for months now. Have I made progress? Sure, I think I have. But is it sufficient? No. I think I'm moving in snail pace and I myself have got to be blamed for the procrastination each time uncertainties crop up. So much so that I dreaded coming to work.
Is the hours that I spend the result of real work that needs to be done or is it unnecessary work or re-work because of others people's decision or indecision?
Result of indecisiveness. Hours and hours are spent exploring... correction, more like months...
Do I feel the time and effort I spend on my work is something that is worth it (according to my own value system)?
I definitely like the pay. It provides for my family and I and more importantly, I could save 40% of my salary monthly. Is the effort something that is worth it? Well, monetary satisfaction wise yes. Career satisfaction wise, nope.
If I were to make drastic changes in my life - how would this impact my financial status?
I would stop working in a corporate world and start up a small new business. Could also be me helping Hb manage one of his outlets on my own. I will have to take a pay cut of at least 50%. That's the bare minimum I need to maintain my commitments.
What do I get in return?
In return, I supposed the benefits are:
(-) Less stress (-) Less money (+) More time (+) More freedom
Am I willing to trade one for the other?
Can't answer this at the moment...
So nett nett, perhaps it's best to continue sticking my nose back to my work in hand. Sigh...
Just thought I'd share something for people struggling with work for one reason or another. I was at this stage some time ago. Unsure what to do, I asked myself a few of these questions:
Am I turning into someone else? Do I like the transformation that I am seeing?
With me joining this new environment, I feel like I have the ability to start all over again without baggage. Plus the working culture here is all about collaborations and ensuring all round happiness. If one is unhappy, the project goes no where. Do I like the transformation, yeah sure why not. Supposed it help me be a more balanced individual. Not just a godzilla when it comes to timelines and championing projects but with good people skills as well.
I see my bosses traveling non-stop with super hectic schedules. Is this the type of lifestyle I want? The answer is a clear NO. I want to be able to spend more time with my family and loved ones. Don't think I want to lead a life of high corporate stress perpetually. Do I want to be like them? Nola. Don't think I want to.
More despair. Felt like I've not been performing. Been running in circles for months now. Have I made progress? Sure, I think I have. But is it sufficient? No. I think I'm moving in snail pace and I myself have got to be blamed for the procrastination each time uncertainties crop up. So much so that I dreaded coming to work.
Is the hours that I spend the result of real work that needs to be done or is it unnecessary work or re-work because of others people's decision or indecision?
Result of indecisiveness. Hours and hours are spent exploring... correction, more like months...
Do I feel the time and effort I spend on my work is something that is worth it (according to my own value system)?
I definitely like the pay. It provides for my family and I and more importantly, I could save 40% of my salary monthly. Is the effort something that is worth it? Well, monetary satisfaction wise yes. Career satisfaction wise, nope.
If I were to make drastic changes in my life - how would this impact my financial status?
I would stop working in a corporate world and start up a small new business. Could also be me helping Hb manage one of his outlets on my own. I will have to take a pay cut of at least 50%. That's the bare minimum I need to maintain my commitments.
What do I get in return?
In return, I supposed the benefits are:
(-) Less stress (-) Less money (+) More time (+) More freedom
Am I willing to trade one for the other?
Can't answer this at the moment...
So nett nett, perhaps it's best to continue sticking my nose back to my work in hand. Sigh...
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Walk Down Memory Lane
Was invited to an event at Zouk yesterday. Doors open at 7pm, so on the way Zouk with a bit of time on my hand, I decided to swing by my previous company.
Felt great when ex-colleagues greeted me with enthusiasm and welcomed me with hugs. But also felt awkward when newbies looked at me weirdly wondering who the heck I was...
I wonder if I'll ever feel the same with this current company...
- As I drove through the familiar roads...
- As I parked my car where I used to park..
- As I took the lift and walked the routes I was so used to...
- As I entered the lift and pressed the floor button on an auto-mode...
- As I entered the office where I used to work...
Felt great when ex-colleagues greeted me with enthusiasm and welcomed me with hugs. But also felt awkward when newbies looked at me weirdly wondering who the heck I was...
I wonder if I'll ever feel the same with this current company...