The Secret

For those of you who knows me and have been to my house before, you would have noticed that I like to read. I used to read every night before I sleep but eventually I had to stop when I started working later and later each day.

I read a variety of books like murder series by J.D. Robb, romance series by Nora Roberts, ghost stories by Russel Lee, feng shui books by Lillian Too and Joey Yap and thoughts provocative ones like "Rich Dad Poor Dad", "Who Moved My Cheese", "In the Meantime" and etc. But the book I got last week was simply fantastic as it was not just enjoyable to read... but has somewhat summoned the power to bring me to a level of deep self realisation the instant I read it. This book is called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.

And since I would like to "remember to remember", I thought, what better way to remember than to record it on this blog... so ya, here are the summaries of the first few chapters (taken from the book) which I think are the most important:

The Secret Revealed
  • The Great Secret of Life is the law of attraction
  • The law of attraction says like attracts like, so when you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you
  • Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source - you
  • You are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your thoughts. If you want to change anything in your life, change the frequency by changing your thoughts
  • Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about most or focus on the most will appear as your life
  • Your thoughts become things

The Secret Made Simple

  • The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial as the law of gravity
  • Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts
  • To know what you're thinking, ask yourself how you are feeling. Emotions are valuable tools that instantly tell us what we are thinking
  • It is impossible to feel bad and at the same time have good thoughts
  • Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on. When you feel bad, you are on the frequency of drawing more bad things. When you feel good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you
  • Secret Shifters, such as pleasant memories, nature, or your favourite music, can change your feelings and shift your frequency in an instant
  • The feeling of love is the highest frequency you can emit. The greater the love you feel and emit, the greater the power you are harnessing

How to Use The Secret

  • Like Aladdin's Genie, the law of attraction grants our every command
  • The Creative Process helps you create what you want in three simple steps: ask, believe, receive
  • Asking the Universe for what you want is your opportunity to get clear about what you want. As you get clear in your mind, you have asked
  • Believing involves acting, speaking, and thinking as though you have already received what you've ask for. When you emit the frequency of having received it, the law of attraction moves people, events and circumstances for you to receive
  • Receiving involves feeling the way you will feel once your desire has manifested. Feeling good now puts you on the frequency of what you want
  • To lose weight, don't focus on "losing weight". Instead, focus on your perfect weight. Feel the feeling of your perfect weight, and you will summon it to you
  • It takes no time for the Universe to manifest what you want. It is as easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars
  • Starting with something small, like a cup of coffee or parking spaces is an easy way to experience the law of attraction in action. Powerfully intend to attract something small. As you experience the power you have to attract, you will move on to creating much bigger things
  • Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally

Although not everyone would enjoy this book... (some would think that it's all about building castle in the air)... to me, I finally found an avenue to constantly remind myself to think positively. Today was the 2nd day I practiced the visualization technique and I'm happy to say that after months of being in depression, I'm beginning to see the little rays of light at the end of the tunnel! And really... there isn't any harm in trying something new... so I would sincerely like to recommend this book to everyone who wants to control the destiny of their lives.


June 14, 2007 at 10:09 AM Colin T. said...

hm... i didn't know you read psychology / motivational books. have you read "The Road Less Traveled"? It's very enlightening, on how you love yourself, your spouse, your children in the future, your family, and basically anything psychotherapy.

June 14, 2007 at 7:47 PM Colin T. said...

eh... i saw that book before. hehehe. what issit about ah?

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