Invisible Rubber Bands

Went for my 6th dental visit alone today cos OWLoon had to rush back to his hometown :(.

Today, Dr. How changed both the upper and lower wire... and fitted STRONG rubber bands in between my 4 front teeth (both upper and lower jaw). Then because there was this dark brown stain in between my front teeth, I had another scaling done (the previous scaling was done to remove the tartar inside... this time round is scaling on the outside).

Thereafter I was asked to smile and to open my mouth wide so that Dr. How can take a few shots of my progress...

I was in pain after that cos' the tension created by the new rubber bands were enormous and my teeth were all numb from the pushing and adjusting of rubber bands! But now I have bright and shiny teeth! :)

xx-03-2008: $1,100 [Deposit, X-Rays, Photos & Moulding]
30-03-2008: $ 870 [Deposit & Upper Braces Fitting]
20-04-2008: $ 423 [Extraction & Medication]
18-05-2008: $ 325 [Wire Change]
17-08-2008: $ 325 [Bottom Braces Fitting]
14-09-2008: $ 764 [Extraction, Frenectomy & Medication]
25-10-2008: $ 385 [Upper & Lower Wire Change & Scaling]
23-11-2008: $ 385 [Upper & Lower Wire Change, Scaling & Rubber Bands ]

YTD Spent: $ 4,577.00


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