Found this post sitting in my drafts. It was done last year after visiting the "Ten Courts of Hell" in Singapore. Thought it'd be good to capture it here to remind oneself that there is karma in life... Happy reading!
The "Ten Courts of Hell" is dedicated to the teaching of ethics and morality.
The Origin of the "Ten Courts of Hell" is believed to be based on the Indian Buddhist legend of the "World of Sufferings" where one would be punished in 'Hell' for sins committed in one's present life. The Buddhist concepts of 'Hell' and 'Yama' had spread to China during the late Tang Dynasty. Over the centuries, the Chinese had adopted and integrated these ideas into their own belief systems.
Each of the "Ten Courts" is presided over by a 'Yama' taking charge of the various torture chambers to penalize evildoers. These 'Yamas' would decree the different methods and severity of punishments to be meted out based on one's past deeds. The idea of "One Reaps what One's Sow" and "Cause and Effect" is the central tenet that serves to restrain antisocial behavior and determine Chinese ethical and moral core values over the centuries.

1st Court: King Qinguang
In the First Court of Hell, King Qinguang conducts preliminary trials and each prisoner is judged according to his deeds in his past life. The 'good' are distinguished from the 'evil' and the King recommends appropriate reward or punishment. Punishment is often carried out in the various Courts. Those with virtuous conduct in their past life will be led over the "Golden Bridge" to reach paradise. Those whose past good deeds outweigh crimes committed will be sent to "Silver Bridge" to reach paradise. Those whose evil doers in their past life will be sent to repent before the "Mirror of Retribution" and then taken to a subsequent Court of Hell to be punished.
2nd Court: King ChuJiang
Crime: Inflicting physical injury / Conmen / Robbers
Punishment: Thrown into volcanic pit
Crime: Corruption / Stealing / Gambling
Punishment: Frozen into blocks of ice
Crime: Prostitutes
Punishment: Thrown into a pool of blood and drowned
3rd Court: King SongDi
Crime: Ungratefulness / Disrespect to elders / Escape from prison
Punishment: Heart cut-out
Crime: Drug addicts & traffickers / Tomb robbers / Urging people into crime and social unrest
Punishment: Tied to red hot copper pillar and grilled
4th Court: King WuGuan
Crime: Tax dodger / Refusal to pay rent / Business fraud
Punishment: Pounded by stone mallet
Crime: Disobedience to one's siblings / Lack of filial piety
Punishment: Grounded by a large stone
"Wang Si" Town
This accommodates those who are wronged and driven to their death. They would be asked to view how their enemies receive retribution. They would then be judged by their past deeds and given an appropriate punishment.
5th Court: King YanLuo
Crime: Plotted another's death for his property or money / Money lenders with exorbitant interest rates
Punishment: Thrown onto a hill of knives
The "Viewing Home Tower" is for the evildoers to see how their relatives and family are suffering as a result of their wrong-doings.
6th Court: King PianChen
Crime: Cheating / Bad-mouthing others / Slavery
Punishment: Hung on knives tower
Crime: Disrespect books / Store porn / Waste food / Break rules
Punishment: Cut into half without harming the heart and brains where pain can still be felt making it unbearably painful
7th Court: King TaiShan
Crime: Rumour-mongers / Sowing discord among family members
Punishment: Tongue pulled out
Crime: Rapists / Driving someone to their death
Punishment: Thrown into wok of boiling oil
8th Court: King DuShi
Crime: Lack of filial obedience / Causing trouble for parents or family members / Cheating during examinations
Punishment: Intestines and organs pulled out
Crime: Harming others to benefit oneself
Punishment: Body dismembered
9th Court: King PingDeng
Crime: Robbery / Murder / Rape / Any other unlawful conduct
Punishment: Head and arms chopped off
Crime: Neglect of the old and the young
Punishment: Crushed under boulders
10th Court: King ZhuanLun
In the Tenth Court, there is the "Wheel of Reincarnation" and the "Pavilion of Forgetfulness" ("Meng-Po" Pavilion). After serving their sentences, prisoners arrive at the Tenth Court where King ZhuangLun passes final judgement. The prisoners are then brought to "Pavilion of Forgetfulness" where an old lady "Meng-Po" hands them a cup of magic tea which on drinking makes them forget their past lives. They will then go through "Wheel of Reincarnation". Depending on the prisoner's past life, he would either be reborn either as a human or an animal. Some would be reborn into a life of ease and comfort while others into sorrow and suffering.
After they have drunk the magic tea, the sinners leave the "Ten Courts of Hell" via one of the six paths of the "Wheel of Reincarnation" or Samsara.