Harry Potter: Part V

I watched the premier of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on Tuesday.
And since I've read all the books, this post took forever to complete as each part was linked to the part before and it was just impossible to just focus on book 5...
But since I'm too lazy now... I'd write more about Harry Potter later...
So in conclusion, the movie was ok la... no major complaints...


On Story Line
  • It was kinda true to the book but conversations were cut short and somehow, the entire movie seemed a bit too condensed for my liking.
On Actors and Actresses
  • Harry, Hermione and Ron have all grown up into adults... good looking and pretty too... But unfortunately for Harry, he was the shortest amongst all... Heck, even Neville is taller than him...
  • In the book, I imagined Luna as the equivalent of Ms Trelawney with big specs and "blur sotong" look but she turned out like Malfoy's sister instead and I must say, she's kinda pretty with her "white" hair...
  • Fred and George... In this movie, they looked pretty much like Mr. Weasley. Wonder if they're really father and sons in real life... hehehe...


  • Think I'd go and get the DVDs for part 1 to 4 to be able to appreciate the movie better...


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