Qing Ming

Today, we visited our grandmother's grave which is located all the way in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. We started our journey 6am this morning. By 8.30am, we were already at Kuala Pilah town for breakfast. All was OK until my 8 years old niece said: "Everybody here is named Kee one...?". Puzzled, I took a look at the signages - Foon Kee, Ming Kee, Sing Kee:

We even had wanton mee here at Pang Kee *chuckles*:

Then it was another 30min drive before we reach the cemetery:

After about an hour being under the scorching hot sun... sweeping and cleaning the tomb, grandmother's grave is finally "cleaned" with 'lalang' all cleared. We then began the custom offering of food, tea, wine, joss sticks so that grandmother can enjoy the feast:

After praying and burning paper accessories, it was time to hit the road to journey back to KL. We only reached KL at 2pm... a full 8 hours since the time we started out this morning and boy was it tiring!

Next week we will be cleaning my grandfather's grave but this time nearer... at Nilai Memorial Park. And that's Qing Ming for us Chinese.

Makes one wonders if our ancestors could really receive the items we 'sent'. But I guess so la, else this tradition wouldn't have lived on till now...

[11.42pm] P.S. Not sure if my brain is fuzzy from the overdose of naps today... but I've been staring at my laptop for the past hour feeling down and low... It suddenly dawned upon me that my life now is like a ship that has suddenly lost its bearings in the middle of a vast ocean... Tho I'm really not sure why I'm feeling this way... this surely is a sad feeling... being forlorn... lost... and hopeless.... Sigh...


March 25, 2007 at 10:29 AM Je5sie said...

Yaya..chinese seems to like the shop named after himself and add a "kee" at the back. If he is Ah Kow, his shop will he Kow Kee. haha. tradition? Joanne so observant hor?

I guess Qing Ming is a day for us to remember and do something for our ancestors. I wonder if there's no Qing Ming, after we pass away..we'll be forgotten. Ironic..

Mood swings? It's ok, we're girls after all =D

March 25, 2007 at 6:48 PM Anonymous said...

Yeah, if you save or kill a lot of ppl out there, your names will certainly be remembered. =D

March 25, 2007 at 7:46 PM Anonymous said...

hang in there...you're just having your "period"...use pad with extra wings for days with heavy flow!!!

March 26, 2007 at 5:54 AM Val said...

hmmm... does this kee mean anything in particular? I'd luv to know. I'm a banana lar, so dun understand what kee means lor.

I'm visiting my grandparents (both my parents side, all dead liaooo) this Saturday and Sunday. Brings back memory. Really wish they are still alive. I would have bring them everywhere, makan angin, eat nice food food, pamper them real bad... T_T I miss my grandma's kampua *sobs*

March 26, 2007 at 11:26 PM Anonymous said...

2,000 years back? But do you not remember who's Osama bin Laden, Sadam Hussein and Pope John? Well, that's not even 10 years back right?

March 27, 2007 at 6:26 AM "maemee" said...

[val] eh i dunno the reason behind the name "kee" wor... like u, i'm also a banana la... hehehe...

bout my grandmother... i never got the chance to meet her cos she passed away long before i was even born. i usually get emo and choked up when i visit my grandfather (mother's side and the one who used to call me "maemee")...

like what you said... i truly wished that he's still alive and i would've done the same thing that you suggested... and yes, i miss him so much. like it or not, the minute i kneel to pay my respect at his grave, tears roll automatically. guess it really hurts to miss someone you love. sigh... but i'll be visiting him on sat :)

[anonymous] oh well, if u put it that way, then yes... you must be someone very high up to have the authority to kill... but the thing is... when you have such power, u don't even have to kill to be remembered...

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